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January 2021
Abraham and Linda’s Newsletter
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Linda’s Message
Welcome to 2021!
Wow, what a year we’ve just survived. Come on 2021, with all of the practice 2020 has given me in dealing with change, I think am more than ready for the challenges and growth that 2021 will bring me. Or at least I hope so. This past year taught me to have gratitude for all that I have learned up to this point and gratitude for the people in my life. I never realized how much I would miss personal contact with people, hugs, conversation and the love and support that so many of you give me. Thank You. We are all energy, and I’ve missed that energy during this time of isolation.
Through Spirit’s support I am able to do the same work we have done before over the phone and internet achieving the same benefits in our sessions that we experienced before this time of separation. I am even teaching my Usui Holy Fire III Reiki classes through internet zoom classes. And they are so very powerful. I just want to cry in amazement. All of these changes bring me great joy. Check out my new schedule for both ongoing and upcoming classes for 2021.
For most of us, our world provided different situations than we had ever experienced before. I am now thankful that most of us optimistically kept thinking that the pandemic would be over in a few weeks or months. I am actually thankful that I did not believe Abraham when they told me the experiences would change our lives more than we could ever comprehend. I was confused. They were presenting that information to me in a positive way, but I just could not understand. How could this tragedy of physical loss of life, threat of health, loss of jobs and financial stability could have anything positive about it. They explained that something that was purposefully created to destroy humanity and the world would actually turn our world around.
Spirit assures me that we are stronger, more resilient, more responsible and focused on our lives and the lives of others than ever before. We’ve learned more about LOVE. Our time of physical separation has taught us to appreciate our family, friends and even people essential to our daily life. In our country, I am proud to say we have always pulled together to take care of those suffering through disasters. But this past year we have been given a newfound awareness of others, their life situations and needs. We have been given the opportunity to connect with them, to show our compassion and concern through financial assistance and food donations. Even volunteering when possible during this difficult time of troubled situations that few of us have ever known.
Thank you God for the lessons, as they have changed me and directed my life to the energy of awareness of who I am and who I want to be. Abraham said the experiences, lessons and personal growth opportunities will last far into 2021 and times beyond. They reminded me that when one suffers, we all suffer, as we are all of one soul, God’s energy. This year gave me time to think, to get in touch with my emotions, to get to know and appreciate the person I am, without judgment. Awareness, yes…but not judgment. I am being taught to embrace HOPE for a better me and a better world that I am co-creating, along with the rest of humanity. The responsibility of letting go of negativity is a huge goal. But I am setting it. I’ve learned that my issue of control and all of the work I have done on that issue must has a benefit to the life I am creating. I claim it, I don’t judge it, I even empower it when needed for the good of my life or others. I turned the negativity I had experienced with this life issue into a positive life tool. Thank you God for allowing me to come into this world with such a powerful life-tool. I just hope I can retain respect and responsibility for it. What are your life-tools? Now is the time for you to work with your life issues and turn them into your life-tools of creating the life you desire.
For a person with a major control issue, I was definitely challenged this past year and had a lot of lessons to experience and to learn from. I am told by Spirit that the energy of this past year was very intense and powerful, as it involved the Power of the Light standing strong against the Power of the darkness. It is not the purpose of our angels to take our “soul chosen lessons” away from us, because our lessons have such great importance for our soul’s growth and advancement. But the Angels of Light have definitely stood against the darkness, with the intention of empowering us and holding us together as
one, even though the efforts of division were being demonstrated for us.
It is your choice as to how you respond. Look around at the world. Do you see the battle between the Light and the Darkness? Many choose to be in denial of the darkness, and this is your choice, but know that each of you were created to experience the duality of Light and Dark energy, as this is part of the lessons you will experience. Where do you stand? What did we learn in 2020?
The lessons you’ve learned from this situation is your choice. How did you perceive it? This virus is real, and it has taken so much/many from us. How has the 2020 experience changed your life…Changed you mentally, emotionally and physically? What have you found your strength to be? Only by identifying your weakness can you learn from it and overcome it. Hopefully you will survive this pandemic without injury or loss, but what will your life look like beyond this experience? Remember, as a Child of God you are powerful.
Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear the path. (Author unknown)
Stop hating each other because you disagree. Why is your right to have an opinion more important than theirs? That belief may be the darkness manipulating your life. Consider choosing to demonstrate the Power of the Light. What would that look like for you?
Please check out my website for information about the amazing weekly classes that Abraham is currently teaching.
Life is an amazing journey of transformation, full of endless opportunities to embrace your true power and potential as human beings – and you always have a choice.
Abraham’s Message
I am Abraham
We greet you with Love, we, as a group consciousness are dedicated to the evolvement and advancement of your soul’s journey. Your growth and achievements are of great importance to us. Your soul created a plan to achieve a specific purpose in this life time. That plan involved all of the key parts of your life. Your consciousness, the experiences you create and your choices determine how you evolve and what you achieve. It may just take you longer than your soul hopes, it may take multiple lifetimes. But those are the lessons you are here to experience. Our job is not to judge, but to provide you awareness of how powerful you are. Our purpose is to provide knowledge and guidance for the growth of your consciousness. WE will not abandon you. We will stand steady, observing, your experiences, by God’s example, to provide guidance when you are ready.
WE are excited and hopeful about the year of opportunity that you are currently experiencing. WE realize how hard it has been. Your pain, your grief, your fear is very evident in your lives. The experiences of this past year have changed all of you in a significant way. It was filled with experiences of struggle, fear, anger, pain and judgment all of which could have created even more struggle without your belief in the Light. So many of you held on to hope, faith, love, compassion, and trust, the emotions that gave you strength. WE hope you learned as much as possible from the experiences of 2020, so that you realize how powerful you are and based on what you have learned, you can now create the life you desire. As we have tried to teach you, struggle can be hard and scary, but the experiences frequently promotes growth in many forms. You cannot make changes to your world if you do not have awareness of what is not working for you and the courage to make a change.
This past year slowed down your life to give you the opportunity of awareness, of experience, focus, and accomplishment. Hopefully you learned to think beyond your previous experiences to possibilities. All of these experiences, both positive and negative were available for you during this time. Of course, many of you were understandably in distress, resistance and anxiety about your life experiences during that time. If you did not experience the same challenges it may be difficult to understand the depth of those challenges for others. Undeniably it was a difficult time, but we have observed your survival, with an enhanced awareness. WE knew you could, and WE are proud of you.
Understandably, when you encounter an unplanned situation, facing so many aspects of change it can be stressful. Some of you may still be experiencing emotions, to the point of depression, anxiety and grief. If you are not used to experiencing these emotions, they can be very confusing and scary. If this is your situation or someone you care about, do not be in judgment, this is an emotional challenge, that many do not understand, but is real and it needs to be addressed. Please reach out for help. You do not have to suffer in silence.
You can’t always see emotional pain. It may not be obvious when someone you love is hurting and needs your help. Connect in compassion with your loved ones. Open your heart and be ready to reach out when your help is needed.
When someone is experiencing depression and anxiety, it is common for them to be creating a separation from family and friends. Grief is also a common emotional state during this time of change and uncertainty. Get to know the signs and stages of grief.
Maybe your world is changing, and you understandably feel that you are no longer in control of your life. You have the intellectual ability to control your perception and that perception can very possibly become your reality. Being responsible for your thoughts, your source of knowledge, and your actions give you a genuine feeling of security. You are powerful, be careful what you manifest.
WE encourage you to create your future around Faith, Hope, Responsibility, Intention and Action. That is where you are going to find your strength and fulfillment of your purpose.
Create the life you desire and Celebrate that life.
I am Abraham
You are all Children of God and you are powerful. Dream big and create the life you desire.
Linda’s Class Schedule for 2021
On Going – Abraham’s weekly “Circle of Love – The Journey of Enlightenment” These are Interactive zoom classes, as Linda channels the Group Consciousness of Abraham with Q & A time.
Wednesday evening 7-8:30pm
On-Line Usui Holy Fire III Level I & II Reiki class.
February 20th & 21st, 9:30-6pm $450
This class is for anyone interested in working with the Usui Holy Fire Reiki III.
If you are interested in developing your spiritual journey, check out our Reiki classes.
$100 deposit is due by Feb. 10th, 2021
On-Line Usui Holy Fire III Level I & II Reiki class.
April 10th & 11th, 2021, 9:30-6pm $450
This class is for anyone interested in working with the Holy Fire III Reiki.
If you are interested in further developing your spiritual journey, check our Reiki classes. $100 deposit is due by March 20th, 2021
On-Line Usui Holy Fire III Level I & II Reiki Class for Indigos $450
April 17th & 18th, 2021, 9:30-6pm $450.
$100 deposit is due by March 31st, 2021
This class is specifically for Indigo Children between the ages of 16 & 25.
No matter what age, souls that have come into this lifetime as an Indigo become so aligned with the high vibrational energy of Usui Holy Fire III Reiki. It provides the balance, support and love that they are seeking. This level of Reiki energy is the purest of love. While Indigos are welcome to take any of the other classes, this class is primarily focused on enhancing their awareness of their special gifts and becoming part of the Usui Holy Fire III Reiki energy.
On-Line Usui Holy Fire III Advanced Reiki Training & Master level class
This 3 day class is presented through Zoom.
May 14th, 15th & 16th, 2021 9:30 – 5:30 each day. $850
$100 Deposit due by May 1st 2021.
If you are in need of a session with me, please go to my website and send a request. My assistant Rusty will get back with you as soon as possible. Or call Rusty at 512-436-1706.
Love and Light
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