I am a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother and friend to many. To meet me on the street, you may think I am very approachable and my life is quite ordinary – and that is the way I want it to be. There is probably little difference between your life and mine, until it comes to my work with Spirit and Abraham. People may believe my gifts are extraordinary but I see them as blessings from God.
I am blessed to know my life purpose and live in it daily. I am able to bring this same awareness of purpose to many people who previously have not known their own life purpose. My life is definitely not what I expected it to be. Thankfully, God had a plan for me beyond my limited expectations. Be careful what you pray for as God truly listens!
I live in Austin, Texas and I am blissfully in love with my husband, Pat, a wonderful man that is such a blessing to my life and work. Pat supports me physically and emotionally as Spirit takes us around the country doing our work. With the breadth and intensity of my work, you can only imagine how challenging it is to live with me. God has been gracious to bring patient and loving Pat to my world.
Between us, Pat and I have four daughters and twelve grandchildren. We are fortunate that most of our family live nearby. Our home is blessed by our small white Maltese dog, Macy, who thinks that it is her job is to be my office greeter. Macy typically travels around the country with us.
I grew up in a small town just outside of Austin. I felt my life was quite normal, however looking back, my gifts were being revealed even when I was a child.
I have great compassion for those who grow up in a family in which their gifts are not understood or appreciated. I remember begging to not see, hear and feel the things that I did not understand because it was scary without a spiritually knowledgeable person to guide me. I just wanted to fit in and be normal. Although when we were raising our four daughters, that strong intuition came in quite handy!
In the 20 years of consciously working with Spirit, my life has evolved far beyond the limitations I once created. Spirit and Abraham taught me to focus on my ability to create the life that I desired, to laugh at myself, to find joy in every day and to have gratitude for all my blessings.
I am a Spirit designated and trained intuitive life path healer. My journey began in 1998 when Spirit came to me quite suddenly. After suffering for over eight years with the unbearable pain of two life-debilitating diseases, I was miraculously healed by Spirit. In that moment my life changed forever, as Spirit encouraged me to join them in their purpose for the awakening and healing of humanity. At first, I was nervous, and skeptical but because Spirit was so lovingly convincing with their words and presence in my life, I agreed to listen to their proposal. At that point I was actually hearing a voice speak with me, so how crazy was that. The truth is I was scared to death that Spirit would discover that they had chosen the wrong person for the job and my illness would return.
Little did I suspect the amazing journey I was embarking on and how my life would change when I first began hearing the voice of Spirit. My miraculous healing was only the beginning of the adventure.
Several years after starting this journey with Spirit, I experienced a “near death experience,” during which I was shown the purpose of my life. As a true channel for Spirit, I was meant to be the messenger for the angels, the masters and those of the light. I’ve devoted my life to helping others heal physically and emotionally because I understand their pain. Spirit has taught me that these two aspects of life are usually connected to a root problem. Abraham has given me methods to help people begin their healing process.
Spirit taught me to use my gifts to communicate with and connect people with their spiritual support group of angels, spirit guides and Spirit. Your support group’s purpose is to provide you with guidance, healing and love and they do this continually. Sometimes you do not understand how to connect, receive or interpret these messages and this is where my gifts can help you.
My life is similar to yours, with losses, disappointments, challenges and fears. I now understand through Spirit that I chose these experiences before this lifetime for my highest good to learn and help others. I was quite ambitious with the issues I chose.
Through my work with Spirit, I channel a high vibrational Reiki healing energy that I use in my sessions. I teach Reiki classes so that others can use it to empower their lives.
Spirit has taught me to work closely with those of the angelic realm and Ascended Masters. As a medium, I am allowed to connect with your loved ones and friends who have passed over. This brings great healing to those on both sides of the veil.
As part of my spiritual development and life purpose, Spirit presented me with the group consciousness of Abraham as my teachers who assist me in all of my work. Read more about Abraham.
In my private sessions, lectures, classes, and workshops I channel messages of hope and empowerment from Abraham to provide guidance and tools for creating success in every aspect of your life.
My books are channeled from Abraham and Spirit, bringing healing words of wisdom that will touch your heart, offer you the tools to empower your life, as well as give you confirmation of your own spiritual path.