Linda’s work as an Intuitive Life Path Healer is known internationally for accuracy, clarity and direct guidance. Through Linda’s connection with your angels and spirit guides, she is able to enlighten you to your purpose for this lifetime. Her guidance provides you with the knowledge to overcome negative issues and patterns that create challenges in your relationships, career, health and finances.
You have the power to create what you desire in your life everyday. Linda’s messages are direct and down-to-earth, providing you with the answers that you have been seeking. Learn to embrace your potential and release the negative beliefs that sabotage your life.
Linda’s explanation of Spirit:
When I am speaking about Spirit, I am referring to a combination of energies made up of the God consciousness, the Masters and those of the Angelic realm.
This is how Spirit explained it to me: the Masters speak the words of God, helping us to better understand God’s desires for us. The angels are the fingers of God, doing His work within our lives. They work together to give us a better understanding of who we are and the purpose of our existence. This combination of Spirit is part of our soul’s support system, along with our own angels and spirit guides. God created humanity, giving us the ability to co-create the future of our lives. God also gave us powerful support systems to assist us in our choices for positive outcomes and experiences.
Spirit has been guiding Linda’s work as a Spiritual Medium since 1998. Linda’s unique God-gift connects you with your loved ones in spirit, giving you messages of their love and support. These messages confirm the circle of love that continues beyond death and enlightens you to their soul’s journey. Linda’s work enables you to begin the healing process following the loss of a loved one. Learn how to move forward through the grief of your loss and receive their messages and love.
Linda is a Reiki master and teacher. She uses Reiki healing energy in her work as well as many other methods of healing taught and continually guided through Spirit. Linda shares her knowledge through the teaching of Reiki, Spiritual Development, Empowerment and Relationship healing classes. She is well-known for the Spirit developed, unique method of healing using past-life regression and inner-child work to release the trauma of abuse. Spirit has imbued Linda with multifaceted healing tools and gifts.
Linda offers in-person and phone sessions as her schedule allows. Much of her work is done through her books and workshops, as Abraham shares messages and guidance with a greater number of people this way. Linda works and teaches internationally. You can find her location and availability through this website.
Linda offers private sessions, classes and special workshops.
Life path Healer/Intuitive Life Coach – Connect with your spiritual support system of angels and spirit guides, as well as loved ones in spirit. Linda’s guidance provides you with a better understanding of all aspects of your life. Negative beliefs and patterns that sabotage your daily life are revealed. Become enlightened to your life purpose and the gifts you are blessed with. Address your past and present relationship issues, career choices and health.
Channel for the Group Consciousness of Abraham – The Abraham consciousness is a group of spiritual beings that God has sent to humanity as teachers to give us guidance, healing and empowerment for our lives. They give direct guidance through Linda’s sessions, workshops and books. For more information click here.
Published Author – Linda channels Abraham’s series of books. Two books about healing the soul’s journey are published and available now: “Reaching Through the Veil to Heal” and “The Secret Pathway to Healing” (available in English and Español).