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Feb 2016 Newsletter Message from Linda

I am so very blessed to have people like you in my life. My work can be exhausting, joyful, sad, healing, prayerful, filled with miracles, laughter and surprises and that is all before noon on some days, but I love every minute of it. You support my crazy life with your energy, your prayers, your appreciation and your love. You laugh with me, at me and for me, what better friends can anyone have? Spirit taught me how to heal myself and create the life I desire, which I have done and continue to do, but you give my life a spiritual purpose. Thank you.

I always trust that God brings each person to me when the time is right for his or her journey of healing. And God works through you in passing on the message to those you care about. I have such gratitude that you have chosen to work with me in healing the world, as my business is built through your trust and referrals.

I had a very full year of work with the Abraham group. I had the opportunity to reunite with existing clients/friends and make new friends as I traveled from coast to coast with our work and teaching. I am always thankful to get back to my hometown peeps and my work in Austin. I have the most wonderful job in the world and I admit it, healing is my addiction.

The journey of enlightenment and healing is breathtaking, as it presents one adventure after another. There are no limits to the opportunities of healing for you and how they can change your life. We are blessed to welcome in another year, enabling us to do the best we can in healing our spiritual journey though the human experience. That healing is our spirit’s commitment to God. My conversations with the Abraham group are often quite interesting, at least for me. I would like to share one of them. In one of our talks Abraham reminded me, “Be the most powerful Child of God you can be each day, each moment, and remember your brother’s example.”

What??? I had to sit and think about that statement. I then started wondering, had he met my brothers? Which one could he possibly be talking about? I thought they were a bigger mess than me….maybe not, and then to my relief he continued. “No matter what an individual’s religious beliefs are, Jesus came as the Son of God with the purpose of teaching humanity about love and forgiveness. With God’s hope of his example and teachings changing the consciousness of humanity. He came into the human experience, just as you are experiencing, and in fulfilling his purpose became the energy of Christ. In the short time he walked among you, look at the impact Jesus Christ had on the way people see each other…see life. There are many lessons to learn from his example.

You, as a Child of God, can also be powerful by your example. Over time God has sent humanity many other teachers to learn from. God saw that different teachers for different cultures, religions and beliefs were necessary to reach the world and God has provided them. Yet the most powerful teachers are sent to teach about love. It is necessary that you each seek your own pathway to truth and enlightenment. This where you will find fulfillment of your purpose as each soul in a physical body is a Child of God.”

Wow, I sat in amazement. I began scrambling to write down the message as it had been given, at times asking Abraham to repeat what he had told me. I knew the importance of others hearing this message.

I thank Abraham for guiding all of my messages. It is a tremendous honor. I may not be the best writer or teacher but I choose to listen to Spirit and Abraham’s messages and share them. I have the courage to continually work at healing my life and to help you heal yours through their messages.

I am pleased to see that you survived 2015, so congratulations are well deserved. It was definitely a year of changes for most of us. Change is inevitable, but the energy of this past year definitely presented us with enhanced opportunities for change. Even if the action was not taken, seeds of awareness were planted and the choice of action is to follow. Changes are typically created through a challenge and we are forced to react or adjustment to a different situation. The change may or may not have been your idea or due to your action, but you were left to respond to the situation.

I have found that in situations like these multiple issues were probably challenging the situation, building pressure to reveal the dysfunction. Change is the opportunity to face the unhealthy aspects of your life and take back your power. The powerful part of change is that you are in control of how you respond, whether you realize it or not. This is how you create the life you are living. It is your responsibility to create a healthier life if you want it. When you are healthy in your emotional, mental and physical state you are better equipped to make positive decisions following the change. Those aspects are your responsibility.

Did you end a relationship?
Did you start a new relationship?
Did you change jobs?
Did you face health challenges?
Did you lose a loved one?
Did you welcome a new life?
Did you change negative patterns to develop the new you?
Did you start your journey of awareness and healing?

Life is full of changes. How do you want to use opportunities of change to achieve a more fulfilled, happy, successful life?

Every moment is an opportunity to create a more fulfilled life. What will you do with the opportunities that 2015 presented you? How will 2016 be different for you?

The opportunity to heal the past and create an empowered future is yours. Make the most of your life experiences. You were meant to learn from those hard times. If you don’t learn from them the 1st or 2nd time that this experience is presented to you, it is because you are probably caught in a negative cycle of energy. If nothing changes, a similar situation will be presented to you again, and again as you are attracting it for a purpose. This is your lesson, what have you learned about and healed from the past?

God is loving and patient. You chose the challenges and issues you wanted to learn about in this lifetime. He is your loving support system, never wavering and He understands life’s challenges and in his compassion understands how you are feeling. He will give you as many opportunities (or lifetimes) to learn and grow from as needed. He doesn’t give up on you when you choose to be stubborn. This is how the soul evolves to a greater awareness of love. How are you consciously learning and growing? Growth evolves through challenge and so it is our challenges that provide us with the greatest opportunity for success. We learn to create the life we desire through awareness of our selves, our needs and our life purpose. We have to start with self love. Loving our selves in the same way God loves us…unconditionally.

I wish I could say I’ve always had this wisdom, it is not mine it is Abraham’s and like you I’ve had to learn. (and I am still learning) With me God just felt that I needed some extra help, as I think am his needy child. So he sent some of the best teachers for me to learn from. They have taught me that my purpose is to learn, teach and be the example. I try, but some days are a big challenge for me too. Hopefully if we all pull together as an energy of love, intention and strength we can change the world. Goals, goals, goals I love them!!!

Love and Light
Linda Drake

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Linda Announces Zoom On-Line Gatherings
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Abraham and Linda’s January 2016 Newsletter