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November 2011 Abraham Newsletter

Special Holiday Newsletter

Linda's Message

Thank you God for the beauty of nature and for the beauty of the souls you created. We may be challenged with the physical nature of the body, our living situations and our relationships, but I pray that we always remember that the beauty of God is always within us. It is our responsibility to allow this love, compassion and strength to shine through us.

Wow, have we had a wonderful year. I know I say that every year, but life just seems to keep getting better. I LOVE MY JOB AND I LOVE YOU. Thank you for allowing us (Abraham and me) to touch your life in such a unique way. I trust that God brought you to me through a message that you received from someone that cared about you. This person may be in physical form or spirit form but they connected us at the exact time that at you needed the support and guidance for your life. And so many of you have become messengers in guiding others to us. Thank you for being God's messenger with me. Now you know how great it feels to be a part of blessing someone's life.

Your referrals are an essential part of my work. ng that you need at the time. Because of your trust in opening up your hearts and minds to receive messages for your life, to your support in referring others to me, we have been able to bless so many lives. Through providing spiritual messages of guidance and hope in troubled times, to providing physical and emotional healing in times of pain and to teach empowerment and spiritual development. You are my purpose and we are all Abraham's purpose. The work was there for us and I embraced the challenge of accomplishing as much as I could because I know the importance of it in empowering your life.

The intensity of our work schedule can often be exhausting and I am not good at saying no if there is any possibility. That is where I am still working on boundaries. But when you love doing something as much as I do, it is hard to put yourself first. I am currently working with some difficult lessons here of finding balance for myself and I think some of you may understand as you may do the same in your life.

I think mother earth is having her own spiritual awakening. We are currently driving through some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. At this moment we are in the mountains of Tennessee, but every state we have gone through has offered so much to be thankful for. The leaves are changing beautiful colors of red, yellow and orange presenting the country side as breath taking. I keep telling my husband that I only wish everyone could travel with us and have the opportunity to see the view that I have out of my traveling office window. He rolls his eyes and states that Scooter, our maltese dog, and I are a handful for him to keep up with, he didn't know what he would do with the 2000+ others. But then everyone could truly realize the beauty that God has created for us. Our travels between my event cities provide me with the much needed time for rest and recovery, so the beauty of nature is such a gift to me. Even the snow in the north east was a beautiful surprise.

We are blessed to be traveling the country in our manifested motor coach with this magnificent view of the world. At times our schedule requires us to fly, but driving is the way we prefer to travel as we feel closer to God's world. I just figured out that our travels for work this year will total approx. 70 % of the year. I keep saying "Thank you for the blessings God, but can I go home now?"

We are on the last part of our tour of the east coast and what a wonderful tour it has been. We have done book signings, private sessions, taught classes, workshops and Expos in over 10 different cities. To my delight, I reunited with so many of my beloved clients and joyfully met many new ones. To me that is a successful trip, well worth the time and energy it has taken. Again, this is my purpose, thank you for bringing me such joy and success.

When we left Texas 3 months ago, we left behind a devastating situation of fire and drought, which unfortunately the drought is still going on. During our trip we have experienced a hurricane, a tornado, an earthquake, a flood, and a freak snowstorm and that was all on the east coast while we were there. I am truly afraid to ask "what next?".

You think maybe we have already started working with those earth changes Abraham has been talking about? Abraham has confirmed for me that we will be experiencing many more unusual weather and earth related events in the year to come. These events are unavoidable and we should not be fearful of future events, as most of us will survive the experiences as agreed, while adjusting to the changes they will create for us.

Abraham reminds us to be in the moment of the experience, learning all that we can and becoming flexible to the changes around us, so that we are able to adapt and find joy in the knowledge that we are all one. Learning to love, value and supporting each other without seperation or judgment is a big part of our lessons. WE are all a part of God. In your relationships, it is your purpose to find that God within yourself and others. In your life each day a little compassion can go along way in bringing love and light to your world and with everyone's help we could create a positive change that is greatly needed.

**Please note: I have had to accept the reality that I am only able to share our newsletter message every other month. My schedule is so busy in trying to meet everyone's needs that my time for writing is limited. I thank you for your understanding.

I have received requests for me to join many of you on social networking sites and I am honored by your invitations. I apologize that I have not responded. My work schedule is so full and my time is so limited I am not able to join at this time. I keep your requests in a file so hopefully in the future I will have time to learn how to do it and have the opportunity to connect with each of you in that way. At this time the newsletter is the best I can do.

Love and Light


I continue to do private sessions both in-person and over the phone as my schedule allows, but I am often 8-10 weeks out on availability. You can contact me through my website to schedule. If you have contacted me in the past and I did not respond please forgive my busy schedule and try again.

If you would be interested in helping us put together a workshop in your area, please contact me about that also.

GOD CREATES MIRACLES EVERYDAY. KNOW YOUR WORTHINESS TO EXPERIENCE ONE OF GOD'S MIRACLE TODAY. If you are new to this newsletter, Thank you for opening your heart and mind to our messages of love. Please note: there is information about the Abraham group at the bottom of this newsletter.

Throughout your life you are presented with change and the lose of significant people and things in your life. The holidays are often a difficult time for you to adjust to the changes and the grieving process. The grief of loss can even extend to a job, home or your health.

During the past few years, Abraham has shared some profound messages of comfort and support to help us with grief, especially during the holiday season. We would like to again share those messages, as we know they are needed by so many.

Death and loss is inevitable in life and recovering from the loss is especially difficult. We can only hope to endure it, finding strength and support where we can. Abraham's guidance for the grieving process has proven to be of significant value for so many. Even if your loss is not recent, we hope that Abraham's guidance will provide you with support and comfort, enabling you to heal and reconnect with life.

Abraham's Message

I am Abraham

We greet you with love and compassion,

This special edition of our newsletter is focused on grief and surviving the holidays following a loss. It may seem lengthy, but we feel that it is needed by so many at this time of year. This message may be for you or provide you with the guidance to help others experiencing the challenges of loss and grief.

We understand that for those of you that have experienced the recent lost of a loved one, the upcoming holidays may be a very difficult time. You may be feeling loss due to a divorce or a death but the grieving process is similar and the holidays may bring many of those emotions to the surface in a painful way.

You commonly associate the holiday season with friends and family and the sharing of happiness and joy, but all too often life changes. When someone that was an important part of your life is no longer present, this leaves an empty space within your life that is difficult to fill or ignore. A sadness or depression of emotions may begin to influence your daily life.

This loss may involve a family member, a spouse, a close friend or even a beloved pet that you are longing for, but in any case there is a sense of loss that is experienced and during the holiday season that pain is evident and often intensified by their absence.

This may be your first holiday without your loved one or your tenth but the pain and sadness of your loss can be just as intense. No matter how much time has passed some level of grief remains, so please understand that it is not unusual to still be feeling the painful emotions of your loss.

Do not allow others to guilt you into feeling badly because of the way you are grieving. There is no set time period for grieving. Everyone is different and every relationship is different. It is important that you understand this or you will be judgemental of yourself or others, creating an unnecessary separation during this grieving process. Having an open heart and acceptance of self and others is essential during such a difficult time.

Understanding the different stages of grief is helpful.

The standard stages of grief are:
1. Shock, numbness, disbelief and denial
2. Acceptance - Feeling the pain as you begin to accept the reality of your loss
3. Despair and disorganization - expect times of mental confusion or depression
4. Communication - Having the need to talk about your loved one, your loss and your emotions.
5. Emotions - Wading through the emotions of guilt, anger, fear and judgment. It is natural to experience them and to gain a better understanding of what these emotions are about and how they are affecting your present life.
6. Times of sadness and longing for the loved one.
7. Adjusting to the environment without that person
8. Redefining who you are without that person as part of your life.
9. Learning how to re-enter the flow of life.

The stages of grief do not always come in this order. The grieving process is experienced like waves, sometimes crashing over you and knocking you to the ground and sometimes just gentle swells of emotion, painfully reminding you of your loss.

Be aware of signs of depression, as it can easily take over your life during the grieving process. Don't be embarrassed to seek the support of counceling, medical assistance or medication to help you through this difficult time.

Suggestions for surviving the holidays:
These are ideas to help you heal during the holidays following the death of a loved one.
1. Acknowledge your loss, do not try to pretend it didn't happen.

2. Begin by focusing on that person's life not their death. Remember you have not lost them or their love. Their spirit energy is always available for you, as it is only their physical presence that is gone. They will always be an important part of you and your life. But they need you to move forward with your life.

3. Get out pictures of your loved one and reminisce: if family or friends are available get together to talk and share memories about your deceased loved one. Find JOY in your memories.

4. Traditions may give you comfort but if the thought of not being able to share that tradition with your loved one makes it more difficult, break traditions. Do something different. Change your pattern so that you do not easily focus on their absence.

A. Go on a trip - visit family or friends
B. Do volunteer work during the holidays in hospitals, nursing homes or homeless shelters. If able you could deliver toys or food to the needy.
C. If you know someone that has lost a loved one, plan a visit with the intent to help them with their grief, you may find that you are able to help each other in a ways that others can't because you have an understanding of their pain.
D. Sit down and have a long talk with your loved one in Spirit. When you call them, they are there, whether you see them or not. They love to listen and share their energy with you as they are always hopeful that you will someday feel them and renew your relationship with them, just in a different way.
E. Go to church or a gathering of joyful people. Allow yourself to feel their joy, it is contagious.
F. Laugh, sing or play holiday songs - music always lifts the heart. The musical notes open the chakra system to allow energy to move through you freely, releasing old grief
G. Get out of the house and be among people again.
H. If you have the extra money, adopt a family to support during the holidays . Giving from a loving heart always makes people feel better.
I. If the celebrations have always been held at your house, allow someone else to host this year. Or if it makes you feel better, do the hosting or cooking yourself. Set boundaries in only doing what you can and learn to express your needs.
J. Allow others to give you attention and cater to your needs, as this is often a beneficial part of their healing process as well as yours.

Note from Linda: While writing this with Abraham I asked to share my holiday story. On holidays carving the turkey was always my Dad's job and since he died I now have that honor. Ok, maybe I pushed everyone out of the way to get the job but when I stand with knife in hand prepared to carve, I can feel my Dad's arms around me guiding each cut. I fully expect him to sneak a piece as he always did. Our holidays are saddened as we miss his laughter, but feeling joyful as we know that he is still with us. My family watch as I casually carry on conversations with my Dad and laugh at his comments and now they quiz me as to his response.

Have compassion and be honest with yourself. If needed throw yourself as Linda calls it, "a pity party" (break out the tears) because you deserve it and then move on. Life goes on and hopefully you will too. Your loved one fulfilled their life purpose, no matter how long they shared life with you in physical form. You have a purpose and their spirit is still with you helping you to fulfill that purpose. Allow your loved ones in spirit to help you, as it is your choice as to what you will continue to create for your life.

We feel that our book "Reaching Through the Veil to Heal" would be very beneficial during this time of year for anyone that has lost a loved one, as it conveys messages of hope and tools to assist in healing.

You can order your copy through Linda's website

The experience of death for a physical being is a gift from God. It is the completion of one chapter of your journey. It is God's reward for your soul for fulfilling your life purpose. Through death you are allowed to return home to God's unconditional love. His love heals all of the wounds suffered during your life and he rewards you for meeting the challenges of your life purpose. Following death, God allows the spirit to return to it's loved ones in physical body so that it can then assist them in fulfilling their life purpose.

This blessing is God's circle of love for his souls. God knows your love for others, as it was his example of love for you that has taught you to love with such intensity.

Blessings to each of you.

Abraham's last two newsletters were very powerful in the messages they presented. They began teaching us about the "Power of Intent, Empowerment and learning to manifest what you desire". We invite you to go to the newsletter archives on the website to learn more.

Upcoming Events
We are currently working on scheduling multiple events around the country for 2012, so please watch my website for future events in your area.

2012 Schedule

January 28th - Austin Reiki I & II class $250 contact Linda at [email protected] to schedule. For more details about our classes visit "classes" on Linda's website
February 25th & 26th - Raleigh, North Carolina - Body Mind and Spirit Expo
Linda will be in the Raleigh area for the week prior to the event for private sessions. Contact Linda to schedule.
March 3rd & 4th - Chicago - Body Mind and Spirit Expo
April 13th, 14th & 15th Edison, New Jersey - Mind Body Spirit Expo
Linda will be in the Edison area the week prior to the event for private sessions.

We are still confirming addition events and dates for the year.

Linda and Abraham's First Book
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" offers a better understanding of life, death and the many stages of grief we experience when we lose a loved one. Linda offers insights to assist us in healing the emotions of grief that can sabotage and cripple our lives if we do not understand them.

Book1 cover 480x360
Price $12.95
S&H 5.00
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" is available at all major books stores or from Linda's website A kindle version is available through

Linda and Abraham's New Book
"The Secret Pathway To Healing" is currently only available directly from Linda. You can go to Linda's website for more information on this book. It is full of Abraham's guidance for creating the life of happiness, love and success that you desire. Abraham explains the challenges of life's issues in a detailed way, allowing you to identify what may be sabotaging your life. They also gives you tools and guidance to make the necessary changes to achieve what you desire for your life
Secret Pathways Cover
Price $16.95
S&H $5.00

Who is Abraham:

Every month I have new readers join our newsletter list. I was reminded that not everyone is familiar with the Abraham Group that I work with. I apologize for neglecting to share this important information with you.

Abraham is a group consciousness of high vibrational spiritual beings. That is a long title for a group of beings that work for God. Their purpose is to bring humanity the wisdom and guidance of God for the advancement of our soul's journey. They do not function with ego but much of their work is done though human channels. They have chosen multiple people to work through in delivering their messages. Although Abraham works with many channels, their most well known channel is Esther Hicks. She has been channeling their messages and writing books with them for over 30 years.

Their messages can be both individual or global depending on the situation. Each channel gives the same message yet often in a slightly different way due to our personality. You each receive knowledge differently, and often need to hear it multiple time before applying to to your life. The Abraham group focus on positive intent and empowerment for our lives.

Spirit presented this group to me as my teachers about 11 years ago when my awareness of my spiritual journey began. During this time, they have continually assisted me with my own spiritual development, as well as our work in helping others heal their lives. They have channeled their guidance through the books we have written and the workshops we teach.

They bring us hope and knowledge of the soul's journey through life, into death and the world beyond. You can go to my website to read more about my journey with Abraham and Spirit.

We all need spiritual support. Whether that support comes through personal interaction with like-minded groups and classes or the stimulation of your mind and heart through the knowledge shared in spiritually based books, it is important to continually nurture your spiritual self.

The spirit within you craves acknowledgment and care taking of it's needs for the advancement of your soul's journey. An expanded spiritual experience holds you in the light and love of God, enabling you to give and receive love of both self and others beyond any current limitations.

Share our newsletter with your friends. It is easy - just have them register today through Linda's website or hit "forward" at the bottom of this page and you can send it to them.

If you have any questions just Email me at [email protected], or visit my website at

Love and Light

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January 2012 Abraham Newsletter
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September 2011 Abraham Newsletter