Happy New Year!!!
Linda's Message
Welcome to 2011 and what a fantastic new year we are going to have. Write it down, I am setting the intent for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year so please join me by setting the intent for your life also.
I sat last night and thought about all of the wonderful things that I have to be thankful for. Sometimes we forget how many blessings and miracles we receive daily because they are not all big and obvious but I definitely feel blessed even on the challenging days. I am no different than you, I have those days of challenge also.
We are currently functioning in human bodies and they are often challenged, either physically, mentally or emotionally. Have gratitude for the healthy times and know that you are being blessed and have patience with your body when it is not as strong and needing more attention. Those are the times for us to demonstrate self love and compassion. Ask your angels for strength and healing during those times. We forget how powerful our prayers are for all aspects of our life and our angels and guides hear our needs through those very prayers.
I am excited to announce that I have a new updated website that just came online and I invite you to visit us at www.Lindadrakeconsulting.com.
Things are easily accessed and updated regularly. We will be continuing to expand in an effort to present you with even more knowledge of our work and Abraham's teachings, as well as that of others.
The New Year brings a new Radio show for us.
Beginning January 2, 2011 at 3 pm central time, Abraham and I will have our own radio show Messages of Empowerment with Linda and Abraham at www.blogtalkradio.com and we will return every Sunday at that same time to continue presenting their messages. We will also be co-hosting with Vaishali the hour prior to our show on the same station at 2pm central time in which Abraham answers call-in questions. They love to answer your questions whether of global or personal nature. I will be a part of the You Are What You Love network. The call in instructions will be provided when you go to www.blogtalkradio.com and look for You Are What You Love radio group or www.Purplev.com.
If you miss a show they will be archived on my website one week after the live show.
I will share with you a quick story :
Living proof that intention and manifestation do work.
If you have followed Abraham's teachings, you are aware of how powerful we are at manifesting what we set the intent for, both positive and negative. For the past year my husband Pat has been consciously working with Abraham's teachings about intent. What many of you do not understand is that there is a difference between wishing for something and manifesting it.
In working with Spirit, I am called to spend about 50% of the year (some years more) traveling around the country in an effort to bring messages of healing and empowerment to more people. My husband is the support system that makes this possible.
I present the messages of the Abraham group through our teaching, motivational speaking, private sessions as a life path healer and as a channel for Abraham's messages.
Abraham directs the schedule of our events and travel, as even they practice manifesting opportunities for teaching and healing. I still have some choice, yet they are quite persistent in their directions.
As you can imagine traveling this much can be exhausting, so about 3 years ago we purchased a motor home to ease the stress when we can. We love traveling in this way as it gives us time together and our dog Scooter can also go with us. I typically travel with so many teaching tools, books and necessary stuff for 4-8 week trips that my husband quickly discovered that eventually we would have to move up to a bigger bus.
In March of this year, I shared with him a dream that I'd had about us pulling our motor home up beside a much bigger one and quickly moving our belonging into the new one. We laughed as he asked me if we were stealing it.
That dream set him to thinking about Abraham's teachings about setting the intent for what you desire and what he wanted to manifest for us. Pat started doing intensive research into the brands, models and features of different busses. He began envisioning what we needed and which model would work best for us. He eventually decided on all of the details that he wanted on our new bus.
Pat worked on setting this intent for months, keeping his dream bus posted on a visionary board in front of him each day and continually focusing on this intent. He joined the Tiffin owners club to talk with other owners of the particular brand that he wanted. He even began preparing for this financially, as he began budgeting and paying off our small debts so that financing would be easier for us. I know it sounds obsessive but wait until you hear what happened.
He was actively working with Abraham's teachings and enjoying it. My husband is a logical Virgo personality type so creating a plan worked well for him but he had never tried manifesting something this big. He wasn't asking for a new one as he was being reasonable as to what we could afford so that made the search considerably harder, thus requiring him to learn patience.
After 6 months of working with this plan we were completing a 6 week trip through New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona when we stopped in Phoenix to visit our daughter. Pat was checking internet sites for this bus of his dreams, as he regularly did because he trusted that it was coming. He just wasn't sure of the timing. Before we left Texas I had told Pat to pack the registration papers for our Motor home as I had a "feeling". He has learned to trust my "feelings" I saw the "feeling thing" as part of the manifestation process.
There it was! It was listed at a dealership only a couple of miles from the RV park we were staying in. The exact bus that he had set the intent for. Even we were shocked at the accuracy. We went over his very specific manifestation list, checking every detail that he wanted. Miraculously there it was, the brand, year model, body and interior colors, all of the features he had set the intent for were right there, even a built-in desk for my work, which is a feature that is next to impossible to find. Our dream bus had just arrived as a trade in and the dealership was having a big sale. Things couldn't have been more perfect. We pulled the old bus up next to our new bus and the transfer of our belongings between busses happened just as I had seen it. And we did not have to steal it.
Even though we both knew the power of intent, we couldn't believe what he had manifested. The timing was perfect as we were returning home from a 6-week trip to repack and take off for an 8-week trip to the east coast.
We both learned a great lesson about setting the intent for what we desire in life and doing the work to manifest it. Thank you Abraham for your teachings and thank you God for supporting our intent. I thank my husband Pat for doing all of the hard work to make it happen. I also want to thank each of you for the financial support you provide me through our sessions and workshops so that I can continue to do this work.
Our dream bus has already worked out great for my work, as I am able to keep up with my writing, answering the hundreds of emails that I receive each week and even fit in phone sessions, all while Pat is driving us down the road. I am very blessed in so many ways.
Hopefully we will find some time for rest and fun adventures in our new bus but at this point Abraham is planning a busy schedule for next year so we will just have to squeeze the fun in between events.
I hope you will use this example to manifest something just as amazing for your life this year.
Please note information about Abraham at the bottom of this newsletter.
Abraham's Message
The year 2011 will be the year of "Opportunity". As you have closure to the year 2010, this is the perfect time to evaluate what you experienced, what you learned from the experience and how it changed your life. The energy of change was very strong in this past year for those all over your planet. The energy of change has just begun and will continue for many years to come.
The result of those changes will continue to ripple through your life. For many of you, the changes unexpectedly created opportunities for new beginnings. They helped you close doors so that you could move forward, they motivated you to focus on a new way of life, and they challenged you to prepare for this new way of life. It may have opened your mind to a new way of thinking or action and that is the purpose of change.
The changes were not necessarily something to fear, but the energy of change often creates a feeling of instability or uncertainty and those feelings are understandable. Lives are shaken up due to relationship changes, job changes, health changes and many other aspects of life but each of these changes gave you the opportunity to make positive choices within your life.
If you feel stuck, that is your choice. You may be holding on to a situation while things around you are changing, possibly in denial of a life that is no longer working for you. You may have awareness that something needs to change but you resist the change until it is changed for you. After these changes occur, people often feel relieved, like a pressure has been taken off of them, but it may take time to adjust to this new aspect of life.
This year will be a time of adjustment, as well as a year of opportunity. Your spirit has moved into a time of awareness beyond anything you have previously known. You are on schedule, as this is God's plan for humanity. It is a gift you have been blessed with. It is your choice as to how you nurture, develop and use this gift of awareness. There is no place for fear within the experience of awareness.
Awareness is the seeking and fulfillment of knowledge and truth that will guide you through your future journey. Awareness is also a responsibility. Your responsibility is to become the best person possible for the life you have chosen and this person changes as your awareness and truth changes. Humanity is blessed in that you have the ability and consciousness to reinvent yourselves and your lives at will. The human mind and body is in a constant state of change, as it has the ability to create both positive and negative experiences for itself.
God allows you to create what you desire within your life, as this is your opportunity for growth. The awareness that you hold of the purpose of each experience is your choice. You can choose a fast pace of experiences to learn from or a slower pace with repeated opportunities. A heightened awareness of what you are learning is what is desired by God for you.
If you accept the responsibility of functioning at a heightened awareness, you can expect all of your senses to be awakened to a greater sensitivity. This is a commitment to your spiritual journey, as well as the consciousness of your human journey. Do not be fearful, it will not feel like you are being shocked by an electrical current. Depending on your request the changes will be felt gradually, yet intensifying with your commitment and work. I warn you - the feeling of this spiritual connection is addictive.
This gift is offered to all souls, yet not everyone will embrace the opportunity within this lifetime. We ask that you do not view others with judgment, as you may not understand the purpose that they have chosen for their lives and judgment benefits neither party. Teach by example. You can plant seeds of knowledge within others but it is their heart that makes the choice. So plant your seeds of knowledge with the same love and patience that God has shown you.
We watch as many of you have already began feeling the physical and emotional changes within your own bodies, as your planet is energetically changing it's vibrational level. You are not going crazy, something is happening and you are feeling it. The planetary change will definitely affect all of you in some way. Most of you may only feel a slight imbalance to your world and gradually adjust to each increase. While some of you are functioning at a vibrational level at which you are able to sense the changes, as they are occurring frequently now and can be very disturbing to your lives. These energetic changes will continue as the planet earth is going through a transformation, just as your physical bodies are experiencing a change.
During these energy shifts it is beneficial to meditate for spiritual balance and exercise for physical balance. The exercise of Yoga is beneficial for both. If you do not give attention to the physical and emotional needs of the body, the imbalance will begin to challenge your daily lives. Have gratitude for the physical body that you are in and take care of it's needs, it will then provide comfort and support to your journey.
We look at the new year with great anticipation, as opportunities for a greater awareness and growth abound and we hope you view it in the same way.
As the Consciousness of Abraham, we are here to support you. Our purpose is to bring you the wisdom and knowledge of the Divine Source of all Creation. We receive many questions in our private sessions and as we join gatherings of like-minded people. Many of these questions are the same questions that you may have about life, the spiritual awakening of your journey, death and the world beyond. We have tried to share many of those answers in our books. If you have others, we ask that you send us your questions and we hope to be able to answer them in future newsletters. We hope to have a question and answer section in future newsletters.
As Abraham we close with Blessings to your journey
If you missed any of the previous newsletters, just click Newsletter Archive to read them.
I hope you are enjoying our newsletters as much as we have enjoyed writing them. Please share our messages of hope and empowerment with your friends and loved ones just by hitting the word "forward" at the bottom of the newsletter.
Each month Abraham will pick a subject that they feel is appropriate for your journey through this life. We talk throughout the month on which tool of empowerment they will discuss next, as there are many tools that we will be talking about in our upcoming newsletters.
Don't miss our newsletter next month as we will continue to discuss additional tools of empowerment.
Upcoming Events
We are currently working on scheduling multiple events around the country for 2011, so please watch Linda's future newsletters and website for events in your area.
2010 Schedule
March 5th-6th - Chicago, Il. Body, Mind and Spirit Expo go to www.BMSE.net for more info. For a private session on the 3rd or 4th contact Linda at [email protected]
April 8th-10th - Edison, New Jersey, Spring Mind, Body, Spirit Expo - www.Mindbodyspiritexpo.com. For a private session on the 11th or 12th contact Linda at [email protected]
Linda and Abraham's First Book
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" offers a better understanding of life, death and the many stages of grief we experience when we loose a loved one. Linda offers insights to assist you in healing the emotions of grief that can sabotage and cripple your life if you do not understand them.
Book1 cover 480x360
Price $12.95
S&H 5.00
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" is available at all major books stores or from Linda's website www.LindaDrakeBooks.com
Linda and Abraham's New Book
"The Secret Pathway To Healing" is currently only available directly from Linda. You can go to Linda's website for more information on this book. It is full of Abraham's guidance for creating the life of happiness, love and success that you desire. Abraham explains the challenges of life's issues in a detailed way, allowing you to identify what may be sabotaging your life. They also gives you tools and guidance to make the necessary changes to achieve what you desire for your life
Secret Pathway Cover
Price $20.00
S&H Free shipping and Handling for a limited time only - If you use Paypal the shipping fee will be reimbursed with the delivery of book.
Who is Abraham:
Every month I have new readers join our newsletter list. I was reminded that not everyone is familiar with the Abraham Group that I work with. I apologize for neglecting to share this important information with you.
Abraham is a group consciousness of high vibrational spiritual beings. That is a long title for a group of beings that work for God. Their purpose is to bring humanity the wisdom and guidance of God for the advancement of our soul's journey. They do not function with ego but much of their work is done though human channels. They have chosen multiple people to work through in delivering their messages. Although Abraham works with many channels, their most well known channel is Esther Hicks. She has been channeling their messages and writing books with them for over 30 years.
Their messages can be both individual or global depending on the situation. Each channel gives the same message yet often in a slightly different way due to our personality. You each receive knowledge differently, and often need to hear it multiple time before applying to to your life. The Abraham group focus on positive intent and empowerment for our lives.
Spirit presented this group to me as my teachers about 11 years ago when my awareness of my spiritual journey began. During this time, they have continually assisted me with my own spiritual development, as well as our work in helping others heal their lives. They have channeled their guidance through the books we have written and the workshops we teach.
They bring us hope and knowledge of the soul's journey through life, into death and the world beyond. You can go to my website www.Lindadrakebooks.com to read more about my journey with Abraham and Spirit.
We all need spiritual support. Whether that support comes through personal interaction with like-minded groups and classes or the stimulation of your mind and heart through the knowledge shared in spiritually based books, it is important to continually nurture your spiritual self.
The spirit within you craves acknowledgment and care taking of it's needs for the advancement of your soul's journey. An expanded spiritual experience holds you in the light and love of God, enabling you to give and receive love of both self and others beyond any current limitations.
Share our newsletter with your friends. It is easy - just have them register today through Linda's website or hit "forward" at the bottom of this page and send it to them.
If you have any questions just Email me at [email protected]
or visit my website at www.LindaDrakeBooks.com
Love and Light